CCTV enforcement for Traffic Management:

Integration with various CCTV Surveillance networks including proposed City Surveillance Project and other CCTV apps implemented by various public and private institution and can be helpful from Traffic Management prospective.
This will increase the reach and visibility of Traffic police not only to manage the Traffic but also mention Law and Order by providing & sharing vital suspicious information to concern authorities.
Automated Traffic Control Signals

Traffic Control Signal
The current l function of traffic lights requires sophisticated control and coordination to ensure that traffic moves as smoothly and safely and is managed from centralised locations. Key Benefits of Automated Traffic Control Systems are: Increasing the traffic handling capacity of roads. Reducing collisions, and reducing waiting time for both vehicular and pedestrian Encourages travel within the speed limit to meet green lights. Reducing unnecessary stopping and starting of traffic – this in turn reduces fuel consumption, air pollution, noise and vehicle wear and tear. Improve journey time. Reducing driver frustration and ‘road rage’.
Advanced Cranes Hydraulic and Hippo

Hydraulic cranes
One of the most powerful & safe means of lifting modern cars (includes luxury cars) & heavy vehicles from the streets parked in unauthorized areas and creating obstacles for smooth flow of traffic.
Awareness & Educational Programs

awareness and educational programs
Through various modes such as RSP Trainings in schools making it more interesting by imparting knowledge through animated games & other methods used by new generation Accidents Counseling Center for individuals to help to overcome situation and adopt corrective measures as required Advance vehicle driving simulator for Drivers to avail formal training through advance training programs which includes road safety practices and latest automobile driving skills required to drive on city roads.
Live Video conferencing

Live Video Conferencing
A bidirectional audio visual communication system can help traffic police department to share realistic information and increase productivity by reducing travel times for various meeting required to strategies and plan beneficiary for the citizens This will increase productive hours of Traffic officials to carry out their duties effectively.
Smart Mobile Apps

Smart Mobile Apps
Being a modern establishment of India, we have created Mobile apps which are useful to Mumbai Traffic Police as well as citizens. MTPduty mobile app will assist Police personnel to share information amongst them which will benefit in attendance marking with current location. This will help to generate reports and expedite decision making process to act in terms of deployment or shifting of resources. Whenever any vehicle is towed that time Traffic constable open MTPtow app and fill up the form with all information of that towed vehicle and submit it to Helpline. So that anyone can call Helpline and take information about it. We have also created MTPapp for citizens. So they can have so many important information about traffic and they can do any work regarding traffic by using this app.
Multimedia Centre

Multimedia Centre
Use of various Information Technology components such as Social Networking channel (like Twitter, Whatsapp , Instagram, Facebook etc.), Blogs, YouTube, Informative Website, Traffic Police App etc. will enable gateway to reach masses and help to build a better image amongst citizen. Also use of Radio, Print & Electronic media will play an important role in imparting messages amongst the masses.

E Challan
Mumbai Traffic Police is the primary traffic regulatory agency in the city of Mumbai and is dedicated to preventing and controlling traffic violations and providing smooth flow of traffic to the citizens. In order to achieve this objective, Maharashtra Government has decided to fully automate traffic enforcement. Electronic Challan System will be spot traffic ticket issued by the traffic police for a violation of MV Act and/or Traffic regulation rules. This service will consist of hand-held machines for Spot Fining System and on the spot fine collection and formal printed receipt will be issued to the individual. Various Cities in India like Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Vijawada etc. Have already introduced this system for Traffic Regulation and enforcement.
Smart Gps System

Smart GPS System
Identifying the nearest rider vehicle to communicate with wireless messaging and to take appropriate action to meet address any emergency.

Under the Mitigation Measures of the Disaster Management Plan. Under this initiative Electronic Display Boards – Variable Messaging System (VMS) will be installed across Mumbai to display information that will direct public response and help the administration in localizing the impact during emergencies and times of disaster. During times of emergency and disasters, the messages displayed shall be essentially instructional and during normal times shall be informational viz. messages for community education on social issues, Traffic alerts, Traffic Law Awareness and city-related messages, events or festival-related messages, disaster prepared ness etc.
Group Sms System

Group SMS System
Will help police personal and citizens to get alert ,warning and informative messages for safety .
PA Systems

An electronic sound amplification and distribution system with microphone, amplifier and loudspeakers. On duty officer can address pedestrians, drivers at junctions and crowded streets for announcements of situational messages, such as to control traffic situation, safety alerts, emergency information’s etc.